Land Lease Choice

Land Lease Choice

Many people are now choosing land lease communities because they are so affordable and offer residents so many options for an enjoyable quality of life; with more than 480 land lease communities in NSW you can choose to live in some of the State’s most sought after areas – whether it be coastal, country, town or city locations.

Land Lease Lifestyle

Land Lease Living is first and foremost about lifestyle.

  • it is a way of living that offers you the support of a safe friendly community;
  • the security of owning your own home in a beautiful location;
  • a place where you can make friends, pursue many interests and social activities.

Sense of Community

  • Living in a land lease community, a home owner can park next to their home.  There is a yard and outdoor space. There are no shared walls.  Best of all, residents in a land lease community truly are part of a community.
  • In many communities, there are social or activity clubs, fitness amenities and friendly and caring neighbours.  “Sense of belonging” is a among the frequent responses about why residents enjoy living in a land lease community.

Why So Affordable

Because the purchase price of a house situated in a land lease community is far lower than traditional housing options many retirees are able to sell the family home and free up equity to enjoy a better and more secure retirement.

  • You do not have to pay stamp duty when making the purchase – neither do you pay council rates.
  • You do not usually have to pay costly entry or exit fees in a land lease community.
  • If you are a pensioner the weekly site fees you pay may be eligible for Commonwealth Rental Assistance. This is a non-taxable allowance for individuals and couples, which helps meet the costs of private rental.
  • Demand for good properties in well-located communities is currently very high and is likely to remain strong, given the shortage of land in these areas and the rising demand for quality retirement living. This means your home could appreciate in value when you come to sell it.

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